How to clean an inflatable pool

How to clean an inflatable pool

If you’re looking for tips on how to clean an inflatable pool, we’ve got you covered. It’s important to keep your pool clean, but it can be tricky given the nature of inflatable pools. They are easy to move around, but that also means they need maintenance every time they get moved. If you’re not careful with cleaning and maintenance, bacteria can build up quickly–and that’s bad news for your health! Keep on reading for a few easy tips on how to avoid these pitfalls and keep your fun-filled pool happy and healthy all summer long.

Remove the cover

Remove the cover from your inflatable pool. If you have an above-ground model, this should be easy; just remove any screws or clips holding the top on and lift it off.

If your pool is already full of water, drain it first. You can use a garden hose to do this or hook up a pump to one end that will suck out all of the water through suction (best if you can find one with an automatic shut-off). Then empty any toys that are left inside as well–a lot of them float!

Once everything has been removed from inside and outside of your inflatable pool, spray down any dirt or debris with a hose before putting on a new cover if needed (see next section).

How to clean an inflatable pool

Vacuum the bottom of the pool

To clean the bottom of your inflatable pool, you’ll need a vacuum with a hose attachment. Vacuums are available at most hardware stores, and they’re generally inexpensive–you can find one for just $20 or so.

You should use this vacuum to clean your inflatable pool as soon as possible after use. If you wait too long between uses, mold and mildew will grow on its surface; this could make it difficult for you to get rid of them later on in the cleaning process! You may also want to consider purchasing some brushes that attach directly onto your hose attachment; these will help loosen dirt particles so they can be sucked up more easily by your vacuum cleaner’s suction power.

Remove any dirt and debris from the sides of the pool

When you’re cleaning the sides of your inflatable pool, there are several methods you can use. The first is to use a pool brush to remove dirt and debris from all sides of the pool wall. This will help keep your water cleaner longer, as it helps prevent buildup on the walls that could lead to mold or mildew growth (which is bad news bears).

You can also use a pool vacuum if you want to go above and beyond when cleaning out all those hard-to-reach spots in between where dirt accumulates. If neither of these options appeal to you, then try using one of these other methods:

  • Pool netting – This method involves using some sorta netting device that attaches itself around whatever object needs cleaning (i..e., dirt). It then releases its hold once everything has been cleaned off so there’s no risk involved with damaging anything else while doing so! This works great for smaller areas like corners where regular sized brushes won’t fit inside without getting stuck themselves.”

Inflatable pool toys, rings and seats should also be cleaned on both sides. This will ensure that they last longer. Use a soft brush or cloth to clean them and then rinse with water before putting them back into the pool.

Clean up any algae or mold

You’ll want to clean up any algae or mold that has grown on the surface of your inflatable pool. You don’t want to use a brush or chemical cleaner on this type of material, as it can scratch off important layers of plastic and leave behind contaminants in its wake.

Similarly, detergents, bleach solutions and pool cleaners are also not recommended for cleaning plastic pools because they may damage the materials used in their construction. It’s best to avoid using pressure washers or scrubbing pads altogether–these methods can cause rusting around seams which could lead to leaks later on down the line!

Disinfect your inflatable hot tubs or pools with chlorine bleach

To disinfect your inflatable hot tubs or pools, mix 1/4 cup chlorine bleach per 5 gallons of water. Let the pool sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it thoroughly with fresh water. Dry the pool with a towel after rinsing to prevent mold from forming on wet surfaces that aren’t being used often enough to dry out completely between uses.


Now that you know how to clean an inflatable hot tub or pool, it’s time to get started! You can use these tips to help keep your inflatable pools clean and safe for all of your family members. We hope this article was helpful in learning how to clean an inflatable pool.