How to Decorate a Small Dining Room

How to Decorate a Small Dining Room

A large dining room wall offers a canvas of possibilities, beckoning for creative expression and style. However, the challenge lies in ensuring that the decor complements the grandeur of the space. In this guide, we’ll explore innovative and practical ways to decorate a large dining room wall, transforming it into a captivating feature.

Embracing Oversized Art

1. Statement Artwork: A Visual Feast

When dealing with a sizable wall, go big with your art. Choose a large, captivating piece that draws attention and sets the tone for the entire room. This could be an oversized painting, a mural, or a multi-panel artwork.

2. Gallery Wall: Grand Collage

Extend the concept of a gallery wall by creating a grand collage of various artworks. Mix and match sizes and styles, ensuring there’s a cohesive theme or color scheme to tie it all together.

3. Custom Wall Murals: Personalized Elegance

Consider commissioning a custom wall mural that spans the entirety of your large wall. This unique and bespoke artwork can reflect your interests, memories, or even a favorite landscape.

Functional and Stylish Installations

4. Floating Shelves: Design and Utility

Install floating shelves in a strategic arrangement. These not only provide a platform for displaying decor items but also add a sense of structure to the expansive wall.

5. Large Mirror Panels: Reflective Sophistication

Incorporate large mirror panels to add depth, brightness, and a touch of glamour to the dining room. Mirrors visually expand the space while creating an elegant and modern aesthetic.

6. Vertical Gardens: Nature Indoors

Bring the outdoors in with a vertical garden installation. This not only adds a refreshing touch of nature but also breaks up the vastness of the wall with lush greenery.

Creating Architectural Interest

7. Wainscoting or Paneling: Classic Charm

Introduce wainscoting or paneling to break up the wall into visually appealing sections. This classic architectural element adds texture and sophistication to the dining room.

8. Architectural Lighting: Illuminating Design

Combine style and functionality with large, eye-catching light fixtures. Whether it’s a series of pendant lights or a grand chandelier, let the lighting become a statement piece.

Harnessing Textures and Textiles

Small Dining Room

9. Textured Wall Coverings: Dimensional Depth

Explore textured wall coverings, such as grasscloth or 3D wall panels, to add depth and tactile interest. This not only breaks up the expanse but also brings a touch of luxury.

10. Tapestries and Wall Hangings: Bohemian Elegance

Opt for oversized tapestries or wall hangings to infuse a sense of warmth and bohemian charm. These textiles can add color, pattern, and a cozy atmosphere to the dining area.


1. Can I mix different types of artwork on a large gallery wall?

Absolutely! Mixing paintings, photographs, and other art forms creates a dynamic and visually engaging composition.

2. How do I choose the right-sized mirror for my wall?

Consider the scale of your dining room and the placement of furniture. A large wall can accommodate an oversized mirror, but ensure it complements the overall design.

3. Are vertical gardens high-maintenance?

While vertical gardens require some care, there are low-maintenance plant options. Choose plants that thrive indoors and require minimal attention.

4. What color scheme works best for a large dining room wall?

The choice of color depends on your personal style and the existing decor. Neutrals create a timeless look, while bold colors can add drama and vibrancy.

5. Can I combine multiple decor elements on the same wall?

Absolutely! Mixing artwork, shelves, and architectural features can create a visually rich and diverse composition, adding layers to your dining room decor.


Decorating a large dining room wall is an opportunity to showcase your style on a grand scale. By combining artistic flair with functional elements, you can turn the expansive space into a design masterpiece that complements the grandeur of your dining area.