Upgrade Your Kitchen with a Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

You love your kitchen, but the microwave is a little outdated. You’d like to replace it with a new one, but you don’t know where to start. You’ve heard that installing an over-the-range microwave is easier than installing one below your countertop, but you’re not sure if it’s right for your kitchen. The good news is that you can totally update your old space and make things look brand new by purchasing an over-the-range microwave from Lowes!

Benefits of upgrading your kitchen with a Lowes over-the-range microwave

When you’re upgrading your kitchen, you want to make sure that every aspect of your new space is as functional and efficient as possible. One of the most important things to consider when planning a kitchen remodel is where you want to store your microwave oven. In addition to being an appliance that can help prepare food quickly and easily, microwaves are also used for heating water or beverages as well as defrosting meat or other frozen food items.

Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

For many homeowners who live in apartments or condos with limited storage space available above their stovetops (or lack thereof), an over-the-range model could be ideal because it frees up valuable floor space while still allowing them access to all their favorite warming options–and there’s no need for any installation costs!

Advantages of a Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

A Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave is a great addition to any kitchen. It’s easy to clean, easy to use, and affordable.

  • The microwave is easy to clean because it has an auto-clean setting that uses steam instead of chemicals for surface cleaning. This makes it possible for you to keep your microwave looking like new without having to spend hours scrubbing away at caked-on food or stains in the interior surface of your appliance!
  • Also convenient is its ability to defrost foods with one touch–so no more guessing how long you need set that bagel on “defrost” before it gets too mushy by accident! Just press “Defrost” and go about your day while this handy function handles everything else behind the scenes (and saves you time).
  • And finally: price! The cost of this particular model starts around $100 less than other comparable models so if budgeting issues are a concern then look no further than here at Lowes where we offer great prices without sacrificing quality materials or craftsmanship.

Choosing the Right Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

When it comes to choosing the right Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave, there are several things to keep in mind.

  • Choose a microwave that is the right size for your kitchen. This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people get caught up in the excitement of buying a new appliance and forget that they don’t have enough room or counter space for it.
  • Choose a microwave that fits your budget. You don’t have unlimited funds when renovating your kitchen and installing new appliances will definitely add up quickly! So before spending too much time researching models and brands, make sure you know exactly how much money is available so that nothing gets overlooked during checkout (and thus ends up costing more than anticipated).
  • Choose a microwave with an easy-to-clean interior surface such as stainless steel or glass turntable plates instead of metal ones which can become stained over time due exposure heat sources like burners on stoves nearby them within reachable distance .

Installation of a Lowes Over-the-Range Microwave

Now that you have your new microwave, it’s time to get it installed. If you’re doing this project yourself and not hiring a professional, keep in mind that installing an over-the-range microwave can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are some tips:

  • Ask the installer to put in a new vent and ductwork for the fan or hood. This will ensure that everything works correctly once they finish their work on the other parts of your kitchen upgrade project (like putting in cabinets).
  • Ask them to install an exhaust hood as well–it will make cooking much easier! You’ll probably want one with lights too so they can help illuminate dark corners while cooking at night or early morning hours when sunlight isn’t available yet (or if there isn’t any sunlight at all).


The next time you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen, consider adding an over-the-range microwave. It’s a great way to save space, and it can be installed in just about any style or color you want. Plus, with so many options available from Lowes, there’s no reason not to go for one today!