Making the Right Choice: How Landlords Choose Between Tenants

how do landlords choose between tenants

Finding the right tenant for your property can be tricky and time-consuming. Most importantly, it should be ethically correct. You must have options like newspaper advertisements or tenant referrals when you face a tenant search hurdle. But with tenant selection, things get a little complicated. Landlords face legal constraints and requirements to meet and that can be difficult to understand. We’re here to help you understand the legal factors that landlords need to consider while tenant screening and how they can ensure they’re making the right choice for their properties.

What Can Landlords Consider When Choosing Tenants?

how do landlords choose between tenants
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When deciding between potential tenants, landlords should consider the length of time a tenant is looking to rent, legitimate questions such as credit checks, work and landlord references, personal references, and criminal background checks can be asked of applicants, but landlords must ensure that these questions are applied equally and not influenced by race, national origin, or other protected factors. Landlords should conduct a comprehensive reference check of all prospective tenants and consider which tenant is the best fit for the property.

For example, an applicant from a protected class may have more access to financing than an applicant without that protection. Therefore, landlords must require prospective tenants to provide documentation of their income and assets before accepting their lease application. Additionally, they should be aware of fair housing laws and make sure that they are applying the same screening process to all prospective tenants regardless of race, national origin, or other protected factors.

By taking these steps to ensure fair housing practices when choosing tenants, landlords can ensure that they are able to select tenants who will fit well with their property and community.

What Should Landlords Look Out For?

– Landlords should consider the length of the tenancy and the ability to move in quickly when selecting tenants. A landlord should consider asking prospective tenants about their rental history, previous landlord or tenant relationships, and any criminal records or housing violations. This will help them determine if a prospective tenant is a good fit for the lease and property.

– Landlords should also consider prospective tenants’ income and credit history. Knowing what prospective tenants earn can help landlords determine the lease rent budget and how much to include in the lease for tenant fees and utilities.

– Tenant selection shouldn’t be influenced by race, national origin, or other protected factors. When selecting tenants, landlords should avoid relying on racial or ethnic quotas or regulations. Asking applicants questions about their backgrounds is an important step in tenant screening. Landlords should carefully review each applicant’s application before making decisions on who to lease housing to.

Landlords should have a tenant selection plan that includes methods for screening applicants and a tenant selection checklist to decide between prospective tenants. This will help them select the best tenants for their properties.

Legal Considerations for Landlords

As a landlord, it is important to understand your legal rights and responsibilities when choosing tenants for your property. Landlords are legally allowed to set financial and credit qualifications for prospective tenants and must apply these qualifications equally to all applicants. Landlords should be aware of their legal responsibilities, such as lease management and enforcement, showing rentals to prospective tenants, collecting rent, and performing repairs or outsourcing the job. If a tenant fails to meet the landlord’s criteria, the landlord has the right to deny the application or terminate the lease agreement with sufficient notice.

Landlords can also deny an application if a prospective tenant does not meet landlord screening criteria, such as having a history of late payments, serious property damage at previous residences, or prior evictions. Landlords should take into consideration factors such as rental history and financial stability when making rental decisions so that they can make informed decisions that will benefit both parties.

Tips for Making the Right Choice

When it comes to tenant selection, landlords must carefully consider factors such as rental history, income, credit score, and previous tenancy status. This information can help landlords make a more informed decision and avoid accepting tenants who may be a liability or have lease violations. Furthermore, it is important for landlords to understand the local rental laws and develop a tenant selection plan and checklist. These tools can help landlords identify potential tenants with the right fit for their rental property and mitigate potential tenant concerns. After screening applicants thoroughly, landlords should consider factors such as when they can move in, how much rent they can pay, and their gut instinct. Finally, landlords should learn the proper reasons to accept or deny a tenant. By following these steps, they can make the right choice and avoid losing potential tenants due to poor decisions.

What You Need to Know

Landlords generally carry out a referencing check as part of the tenant screening process. This entails checking prospective tenants’ credit history, employment history, and other factors to ensure they are responsible, reliable tenants. Landlords may also use home inspections and interviews to assess prospective tenants and make sure they meet their criteria. Besides, landlords may consider tenant selection plans and checklists to pick the best tenant for the property. These steps will help them identify suitable tenants quickly and efficiently.

Understand the Law

Deciding who gets to live in a rental property can be one of the most important decisions a landlord makes. Not only does it impact the tenant’s quality of life, but it also impacts the landlord’s bottom line.

When choosing between tenants, landlords should consider factors such as income, credit score, length of tenancy, and the tenant’s ability to move in quickly. The screening process may include credit checks, work and landlord references, personal references, questions about the number of people in the unit, criminal background checks, and interviews. It is important for landlords to familiarize themselves with federal and state laws regarding tenant selection. Doing so will help them make informed decisions that are compliant with fair housing laws.

Follow a Systematic Process

Landlords should follow a systematic process when screening prospective tenants. Financial and credit qualifications should be set before any application is considered. These qualifications include income, housing history, and assets, among others. The screening process should include credit checks, work and landlord references, personal references, criminal background checks, and interviews. Each applicant should be evaluated on the same criteria regardless of race, national origin, or other protected factors. Home visits may be included in the process to further determine the suitability of prospective tenants. The number of people who will live in the unit should also be taken into consideration when choosing between tenants.

Consider Your Preferences

When selecting tenants, landlords usually consider a variety of factors, such as credit score, social standing, income, job status, and appearance. However, it’s important to be aware of protected classes when considering tenant selection. This includes factors such as race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability.

Landlords take a range of factors into consideration when choosing between tenants. These include the length of stay and the ability to move in quickly. They may also consider categories such as financial stability, uncategorized housing lease terms, and property type. Ultimately it is the landlord’s prerogative to choose which tenant they prefer based on their preferences and needs. OS

Take Your Time

When making a rental decision, it’s important to consider individual tenant circumstances and landlords’ requirements. This will help you make an informed decision that best suits your and your tenant’s needs.

Take into consideration the amount of time tenants are planning on renting. You should also evaluate the void periods in order to benefit from a shorter period. Don’t rush the decision-making process and take time to carefully consider all options. Make sure to thoroughly vet potential tenants before making a decision. This will help ensure that your rental property is being managed responsibly and safely.


While tenant screening is a necessary process, it shouldn’t be the only deciding factor in who you choose to lease property to. You need to understand that tenants are humans and they too make decisions based on their preferences and past experiences. Therefore, it is essential that landlords consider their own needs first before looking for tenants. It is important for landlords to follow a structured tenant screening process that ensures that they don’t miss any potential red flags. This will help them find the right tenant for the property and make sure that they are a good fit for both parties. If you have any tips or suggestions on tenant selection, comment below!