How to Pair AirPods to Samsung TV

How to Pair AirPods to Samsung TV

Are you a proud owner of both AirPods and a Samsung TV? If yes, then you might be wondering how to connect your AirPods to your Samsung TV wirelessly. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of how to pair airpods to samsung tv. We will also discuss some troubleshooting tips to overcome any connectivity issues. So, let’s dive right in!

Getting Started

Before we begin, ensure that your AirPods are fully charged and functioning properly. Also, make sure that your Samsung TV is compatible with Bluetooth connectivity. Most modern Samsung TVs come with built-in Bluetooth functionality, but it’s always good to double-check in your TV’s user manual.

By the way, I just wanted to quickly address a question that some users may have: can i wear airpods in the shower? While AirPods are water-resistant to a certain extent, it’s not recommended to wear them in the shower or any environment with excessive moisture. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and protect your devices from potential damage.

Access the Bluetooth Settings

Step 1: Access the Bluetooth Settings

To pair your AirPods, start by turning on your Samsung TV and accessing the Bluetooth settings. The exact method may vary slightly depending on the model of your TV, but generally, you can find the Bluetooth settings in the Settings menu or by pressing the Home button on your remote control and navigating to the Settings icon.

Once you are in the Settings menu, look for the Bluetooth option and select it. This will allow you to pair your AirPods with your TV.

Step 2: Put AirPods in Pairing Mode

Next, put your AirPods in pairing mode. To do this, open the lid of your AirPods case (with the AirPods inside) and press and hold the button on the back of the case until the LED light on the front starts flashing white. This means that your AirPods are now in pairing mode.

Step 3: Connect AirPods to Samsung TV

After putting your AirPods in pairing mode, go back to your Samsung TV’s Bluetooth settings. You should see a list of available Bluetooth devices. Look for your AirPods in the list and select them to initiate the pairing process.

Once your AirPods are successfully connected, you will hear a confirmation sound in your AirPods and the LED light on the front of the case will turn solid white.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during the pairing process, here are a few troubleshooting tips that might help:

  1. Make sure that your AirPods are within range of your Samsung TV. Bluetooth connectivity typically works best within a range of 33 feet (10 meters) without any major obstructions.
  2. Restart both your AirPods and your Samsung TV. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve connectivity issues.
  3. Ensure that your AirPods are not connected to any other devices. Disconnect them from your iPhone or any other device before attempting to pair them with your Samsung TV.
  4. Update the software on both your AirPods and your Samsung TV. Outdated software can sometimes cause compatibility issues.
  5. If all else fails, consult the user manuals of your AirPods and Samsung TV for more specific troubleshooting steps.


In conclusion, pairing your AirPods to your Samsung TV is a straightforward process. By following the steps mentioned above, you can enjoy a seamless wireless audio experience while watching your favorite shows and movies on your Samsung TV, all while saving energy through unplugging appliances when not in use.


  1. Can I connect AirPods to any Samsung TV?

Yes, most modern Samsung TVs come with built-in Bluetooth functionality, which allows you to connect your AirPods wirelessly. However, it’s a good idea to check your TV’s user manual for Bluetooth compatibility.

  1. Can I pair multiple AirPods with my Samsung TV?

Yes, you can pair multiple AirPods with your Samsung TV. Simply put each pair of AirPods in pairing mode and connect them one by one through the Bluetooth settings on your TV.

  1. How do I disconnect my AirPods from my Samsung TV?

To disconnect your AirPods from your Samsung TV, go to the Bluetooth settings on your TV and select the “Disconnect” option next to your AirPods’ name.

  1. Do I need to pair my AirPods every time I want to use them with my Samsung TV?

No, once you have successfully paired your AirPods with your Samsung TV, they should automatically connect whenever they are in range and powered on. You only need to pair them again if you switch to a different TV or device.

  1. Can I adjust the volume of my AirPods from my Samsung TV?

Yes, you can adjust the volume of your AirPods directly from your Samsung TV. Simply use the TV’s volume controls to increase or decrease the volume in sync with your AirPods.

With these instructions and troubleshooting tips, you should now be equipped to pair your AirPods with your Samsung TV effortlessly. Enjoy a wireless audio experience and immerse yourself in your favorite content with ease!