Can You Add Insulation to an Old House?

Can You Add Insulation to an Old House

Old houses can be drafty and inefficient, but adding insulation can help to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. There are a few different ways to add insulation to an old house, and the best method for you will depend on the age and construction of your home. In this article, we will discuss can you add insulation to an old house, how to choose the right type for your home, and how to install it yourself. We will also answer some common questions about adding insulation to an old house. This content is provided by

Types of Insulation

Add Insulation to an Old House

There are a variety of different types of insulation available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of insulation used in old houses include:

  • Batt insulation: Batt insulation is made up of long, narrow strips of insulation that are typically installed between the studs in walls or between the joists in the attic. Batt insulation is relatively inexpensive and easy to install, but it can be difficult to fit into tight spaces.
  • Loose-fill insulation: Loose-fill insulation is made up of small, fluffy pieces of insulation that can be poured or blown into walls, attics, and crawlspaces. Loose-fill insulation is a good option for filling in gaps and voids, but it can be messy to install.
  • Spray foam insulation: Spray foam insulation is a liquid insulation that is sprayed onto walls, attics, and other areas. Spray foam insulation is a very effective insulator, but it can be more expensive than other types of insulation.

Choosing the Right Type of Insulation

The best type of insulation for your home will depend on a number of factors, including the age and construction of your home, your budget, and your climate. If you have an old house with narrow walls, batt insulation may be the best option. If you have a large attic, loose-fill insulation may be a good choice. And if you live in a cold climate, spray foam insulation may be the best way to keep your home warm. Discover how much does home insulation cost?

Installing Insulation Yourself

Installing DIY kitchen shelves can be a fun and rewarding project for those with basic DIY skills. If you feel confident in your abilities, you may be able to install the shelves yourself. Just be sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take all necessary safety precautions. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it may be best to hire a professional to ensure that the shelves are installed correctly.

Here are some tips for installing insulation yourself:

  • Plan your project: Before you start, take some time to plan your project. This will help you to determine how much insulation you need and where to install it.
  • Gather your materials: Make sure you have all of the necessary materials before you start, including insulation, tools, and safety gear.
  • Work in a safe environment: Make sure the area where you will be working is safe and free of debris.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing the insulation.
  • Be patient: Installing insulation can be time-consuming, so be patient and take your time.


Adding insulation to an old house can be a great way to improve your home’s energy efficiency and comfort. By choosing the right type of insulation and installing it correctly, you can save money on your energy bills and make your home more comfortable all year round.


  1. How much does it cost to add insulation to an old house?

The cost of adding insulation to an old house will vary depending on the size of your home, the type of insulation you choose, and the cost of labor in your area. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 for a typical home.

  1. How long does it take to add insulation to an old house?

The amount of time it takes to add insulation to an old house will also vary depending on the size of your home and the type of insulation you choose. However, you can expect the project to take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

  1. What are the benefits of adding insulation to an old house?

There are many benefits to adding insulation to an old house, including:

  • Increased energy efficiency: Insulation can help to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, which can save you money on your energy bills.
  • Improved comfort: Insulation can help to reduce drafts and cold spots, which can make your home more comfortable to live in.
  • Increased property value: Insulation can add value to your home when you sell it.